Hello! My name is Kevin Snyder and I’m a motion graphics designer based out of Oregon and I am available for freelance work. I help make images move across screens of any size to deliver a message. Your message. Together, we can grow your ideas so that you are heard regardless of size.
I am self-motivated and can work independently or collaborate with others on projects. I am always looking for new challenges to push my work to new levels and meet people that share the same passion for using motion graphics to deliver a clear and concise message...in short, I’ll do what it takes to make your project rock.
When I’m not obsessing with moving pixels on the screen, you can find me with my family, rafting, at a water park, biking, or running with my dog. Want to work together and bring your ideas to life? Let’s do this! I would love to hear about your project. Send me an email and let’s see if I’m a good fit for you.